モンゴルのフォークメタルバンド「The Hu」だそうです BABYMETALとの共演でも話題になったようですね 民族楽器?のデザインが格好良い これもホーミー入ってますね ※全体的に中毒性高すぎる動画

The HU
The HU is a band from Mongolia that blends heavy metal and traditional Mongolian throat singing. Their first two videos (“Yuve Yuve Yu” and “Wolf Totem”) immediately went viral garnering the band over 30 million views. The explosive reaction to The HU resulted in a number of features about the band in international media such as NPR, ET India Times, Playboy Mexico, Jack Canal+Fr, Hong Kong 01, DW News Germany and others.
The HU
The HU is a band from Mongolia that blends heavy metal and traditional Mongolian throat singing. Their first two videos (“Yuve Yuve Yu” and “Wolf Totem”) imm...